Most would agree that simply planning to downsize, or we prefer to call it ‘right-sizing,’ let alone actually facing a major downsizing move, can leave you a little stressed out! Most people are overwhelmed by the thought; after all, making a move is stressful enough, plus you may have to reduce your belongings. However, our experience tells us that working from a plan can make it easier to get going and stay going.
How Do You Approach Projects?
Do you savor a big project and want to take your time, breaking the work into manageable tasks as you go? Or, maybe you’d rather go about your usual routine, saving all the hard work for the end? Either approach is fine; we even appreciate a hybrid of the two!
Whether your preference is now or later, knowing your personal work style is important because it can help you get the pieces in place to make the most of your move.
The Tortoise Approach
The “get ‘er done” option is appealing because it means you could arrive at your new home with nothing more to do than unpacking and put away. In order to effectively work this way, you’ve got to dedicate blocks of time to the project beyond your normal routine in order to accomplish everything. You may want to go so far as to make a master to-do list, and schedule time on your calendar to work on specific tasks to ensure you get things done in a timely manner. As attractive as this may sound, for people with busy schedules, this option may not be on the table.
The Hare Approach
A “play now, work later” approach may be more alluring if taking a few days to knock everything out at once sounds more manageable than dedicating daily time to your project. However, this work style can come with problems if you don’t accurately estimate the amount of time the project will take. If you take this approach it's best to factor in a little ‘extra’ time for hiccups and unexpected interruptions.
The Hybrid Approach
When I was a kid, okay I still do this, I'd eat first the things on my plate that I didn’t. Then, I’d eat what I did like and have time to savor it.
If you don’t lean heavily one way or another to the ‘Hare or Tortise,’ perhaps a hybrid work style is better for you. An approach where you take care of the most important tasks in the early stages and leave the dirty work for later may be the best of both worlds. This can look like taking time to properly organize photos, artifacts, and other items of great monetary or sentimental value throughout the initial steps in your plan, then worrying about tasks like donating unwanted items at the end.
Whatever combination of planning and work style you bring to the table, Remember these key things: take your time, do it right, and most importantly: try to have a little fun with it!
Work From A Planning
The first item in any plan is to determine the order you will take, as this becomes your springboard for everything else that happens. There are many ways to approach this but the key is what will work for you. The key is to establish a manageable and flexible plan to fit your specific needs is key to a smooth transition.
Avoid The “Stay to the Bitter End” Scenario
The idea is to make this a good time and not a chore. You need to reward yourself with little ‘perks’ along the way - going out to the local ice cream parlor and having your favorite sundae. The reward helps keep you having a good time and looking forward to getting things done.
Some people really enjoy living through the process, and see it as cathartic. However, if that doesn’t sound like you, there are other options!
There is another simple process we recommend to our clients that both helps organize and keep things moving as part of the "right-sizing" and helps to avoid the "Bitter End" drama.
“Giveaway – Throwaway – Keep”
A plan like this will help you get the job done easier and more efficiently. Simply set up three boxes with labels on each box ‘Giveaway,’ ‘Throwaway’ and ‘Keep.’
Give Away Box: Items you have not used in at least six (6) months or more and have some value, are candidates for this box. Give them to your neighbors, family, church, GoodWill®, Salvation Army® or any charity you favor.
Throw Away Box: These are items that you are just hanging onto and may not even know why – just throw it away.
Keep Box: Only keep these items if you are using them RIGHT NOW - you need to set a FIRM GOAL that this box must be 10% or less than the other two. It takes discipline, especially if you think “I know I’ll need that someday….” Giveaway, even to your neighbor, part with it!! Now – go forth and DE-CLUTTER and prepare for ‘RIGHT-SIZING’ your life.
Whatever combination of planning and work style you bring to the table, Remember these key things: take your time, do it right, and most importantly: try to have a little fun with it!
Consignment is a viable option for downsizing if you have high-end items in very good condition, and if you have the time and energy to dedicate to the process. Knowing your possessions will be cherished a second time means you feel good about paring down, and you can use the money you make from consigning to offset other expenses associated with your move.
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