"When I'm looking to hire a Realtor, the first thing I do is focus on what makes a person stand above and beyond all the potential competition. I look at attributes like educationally qualified, whether academically or skillfully. That is a must. But what separates the good candidates from the really great ones would be the following.
First and foremost, they must be a person of great integrity, what I call the "T" Factor: Trustworthy, Truthful and Transparent.
Secondly, their personality
must be one of kindness, courtesy and respect. It is imperative that they treat
others just as they would like to be treated and respected themselves. And being
successful working one-on-one with people.
Thirdly, and very important
they take great pride in who they are and the company they represent. All too
often, people live in a "me" world, instead of a "thee"
world, thus forgetting about the people that employ them, the people that pay
them and, the people they proudly represent.
Secondly, their personality
must be one of kindness, courtesy and respect. It is imperative that they treat
others just as they would like to be treated and respected themselves. And being
successful working one-on-one with people.